DataHub® DA TunnellerTM


Robust OPC networking with no DCOM
Now you can network the connection between your OPC DA servers and clients without the hassles of configuring DCOM. Instead, connect one Cogent DataHub to your OPC server, and another Cogent DataHub to your OPC client, and configure tunnelling connection between them. Your data tunnels securely through firewalls, reverse proxies and across the network over TCP, using SSL if needed.

Never blocks OPC or drops the OPC connection
If the network goes down for any reason, the DataHub DA Tunneller at each end of the tunnel maintains the connection to the server and client. All tags maintain their most recent values until the network is restored, when the data is then automatically synchronized again between the server and client.

Quick reconnects after network failures
Other tunnelling software requires network timeout parameters to be carefully tuned to minimize lengthy delays and false reports of network failure. The DataHub uses a more sophisticated model to detect network failures which avoids false timeouts and blocking, and allows for quick reconnects.

About this partner:

Cogent Real-Time Systems Inc. was incorporated in May, 1995 by a group of engineering and software professionals who recognized a need for robust, flexible tools to solve the wide variety of process control issues not addressed by standard products.

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